Medical Schools in USA & UK – Requirements

In this blog, I would be telling you the basic requirements or the KEY requirements to get in to a medical college situated in USA or UK. Students usually are blank about what they need in order to get accepted at one of the universities in UK or USA. In the following points, I’ll be summarizing the things you need to get accepted at one of the prestigious Universities offering medical courses.

  • SAT (Scholastic assessment test) is basically like an entrance exam to US, Canadian and Singapore universities. The standardized tests assess your readiness and performance for university. There are two SAT tests, SAT I and SAT II. You can give one or both. SAT I consists of English and basic Mathematics. The English section contains Critical Reading and Writing. Currently, the SAT I is scored on a scale of 600-2400, although from 2016 onwards, it will be on 600-1600, since they will be making the Writing section optional. SAT II are the subjects tests (like Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc), which you have to give in order to fulfill the entrance requirements for your major (Check with the university you are going to apply for about what tests you need). The TOEFL is a test, which serves as a proof in your ability of the English language. TOEFL usually serves in US universities, and IELTS in UK universities.
  • In the US, you’ll have to undergo the Pre-Medical process, by entering a Pre-Med school. This lasts for 4 years. You’ll have to give the SAT and the TOEFL or IELTS. During Pre-Med, you are advised to major in any subject you wish, be it biology, economics, chemical engineering etc. After Pre-Med, you have to give the MCAT to get into a good MD program in Medicine school. The MD lasts 4 years, and is the final stage of the medicine education.
  • In the UK, the university will specify whether you have to submit your application through the UCAS. All the great medical colleges require grades AAA at A-level and B in IGCSE English if not taken in AS-level. There are 2 types of undergraduate degrees here, the MBBS and the MbChB (most common in Scotland). The MBBS last for 5 to 6 years, and the MbChB lasts for 5 years. Some colleges like the Imperial Medical College have specialized MBBS degrees which last for 6 years, Imperial’s degree is known as MBBS BSc: Bachelor of Medicne, Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Science. To apply for UK colleges, in addition to the IELTS, you have to give the UKCAT (UK Clinical Aptitude Test) or, in some colleges, the BMAT (BioMedical Admission Test). The MD degree last for 2 years.
  • US: All Ivy Leagues, and for Pre-Med, check these links:

    Each Ivy League has its own Pre-Med program. In addition, you should apply to Vanderbilt, Stanford and the University of Florida. Keep in mind that during your 4 years of Pre-Med, you have to major in a subject. Plenty of universities offer Pre-Med, you’ll have to consult the college Councillor to see which fields you can major in. First finish the Pre-Med, then think about medicine school, if you’re applying to US.

  • UK: As usual, you should apply to Cambridge and Oxford. In addition, you should apply to the University of Glasgow and the University of Edinburgh. The scope for scholarships in UK is very low, and these are some of the universities that offer them.
  • If you’re sure about applying to the US, take: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and an arts/humanities subject. US colleges are very strict about these requirements. English is recommended, and compulsory in some universities.
  • If you’re sure about applying to the UK, take: Biology, Physics, Chemistry and a fourth subject, except Critical Thinking and General Studies.
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