Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When will the latest Examiner Reports appear on the website?

Examiner Reports are posted to the GCE Guide Website in February and September each year. (exceptions are when then examiner report for a particular subject has not been published by CIE)

When will the latest Question Papers & Marking Schemes appear on the website?

Question Papers & Mark Schemes are posted to the our website at the same time as results are released. If a certain question paper(s) or mark scheme(s) is missing, chances are that those documents are still to be published by CIE. If you find any document missing, please report that on Past Papers Section or using the Contact Us! Tab.

Why can’t I open files which are given in different resource sections?

The possible reason for you being not able to open a particular file might be that the file is in zip/RAR format. For opening these files, we recommend usage of WinRAR software. This software can be used to extract the files in the zip/RAR format. However, if you still remain unable to open, report the file using Contact Us! Tab.

I’m confused about the file naming system used in the Past Papers section. How do I know which file is which?

A detailed guide on how to find your desired past examination resource is given at the following link:


Why can’t I find my subject in the past papers section?

Your subject might not be available on our archives. You can request for the inclusion of that subject by requesting using the Contact Us! Tab.

I posted my request on the Past Papers section, but my request still says: “Awaiting approval/moderation” and has not been answered as yet. Why?

If you request has not been answered, do not freak out! The requests you post here are always viewed by our team, and it is not possible that a certain request will be over looked. So be calm and patient, and wait for your request to be fulfilled. There is no need to spam the comments section, because the spam comments will be removed. Once your request has been fulfilled, you’ll be replied by the Admin.

In some cases, however, your request will be caught by our SpamCheck System. This happens if you are posting a request for the first time (or you don’t have any previously approved requests). There is no need to worry; in most cases, it takes just a couple of minutes for it to pass the System. The max time recorded for this to happen is 12 hours.

Why I am unable to visit a certain page/section/resource anymore on this website? 

The reason could be that the page/section/resource has been either put under maintenance for some time, it is being updated or it has been permanently removed due to some legal reasons. In case of permanent removal, a notice will be posted on the website’s blog.

I need “Example Candidate Response for XYZ year and session” for this particular subject. Please help.

Please keep it in mind that Example Candidate Response booklets are not available for all years. They are just published for one particular year by CIE to give an idea about how your scripts are marked, and how one should be attempting the paper. A new Example Candidate Response booklet will only be published in case there have been changes to the syllabus for that particular subject. Otherwise only 1 such booklet will be available per subject/per paper.

I need the specimen paper for 2014/15 etc for this subject.

Same answer as above. The specimen papers are not published every year. They are only published by CIE in cases of syllabus change or paper pattern change, otherwise not.

My contributed resources have still not been uploaded on the website. Can I know why?

The main reason why your contributed resources were not uploaded could be that they were copied from another website. Please make sure while you contribute any material that it should not be copied from any other website. GCE Guide has put in place some strong measures to filter out plagiarized stuff. We do not entertain such submissions. However, if you have obtained the rights for such copying please include the name of the original author of the content not your own name. The other reason why your content is still unavailable could be that your content is in the process of being added to the website. It usually takes up to 1 week, but in some cases it may take longer. So please be patient. Once added, you’ll be notified.

If you have any more questions feel free to contact us!