Pakistan Studies

About Pakistan Studies : History (2059/01) :

The Cambridge O Level Pakistan Studies syllabus introduces learners to the history, culture, geography, environment and development of Pakistan. In history, they learn about Pakistan’s rich heritage and cultural influences, and about the events which have shaped national identity, from the decline of Mughal power up to 1999. Through their studies, learners gain an understanding of historical skills and concepts, and examine different interpretations of historical events.

About Pakistan Studies : Geography (2059/02) :

The Cambridge O Level Pakistan Studies syllabus introduces learners to the history, culture, geography, environment and development of Pakistan. In it they also consider the geography of Pakistan and the environmental and development issues facing the country. This will encourage a better understanding of the interaction between economy and environment, an understanding enhanced by the study of different source materials and perspectives.

Check out the revision tips and tricks below for this subject:

Following are the notes on these two sub-parts of Pakistan Studies. Select a topic from the following list to view it:

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man this is wacky af


is pak studooes


canwe have sex

Andrew Tate

fk off bitch

Andrew Tate

fuck off bitch
we dont need u here we here to study. we dont give a fuck to bitches like u


shutup u weirdo


salman bhai nigga


Good efforts keep it up


preetty danky

Fatima afzal

Why do you think Jinnah decided to support the idea of creating a separate Pakistan ? (7 )


hi are you allso preparing for this exam me too want some help i will help u i am allso preparing


 if any teacher tells u that write 3 points in hist exam 7 makr question and elaborate them, dont do it
write more points atleast 5 with atleast 4 with elaboration
if u write 3 and 1 goes wrong or has some issue with it u will lose marks
to avoid that write more so if they r wrong sir will see the other one and u will lose no/less marks


thas dumb af

awwaba qazi

whyy ??


hi there


How can I search for specific Questions?


hi. this website is really cool and all but can you guys also introduce all the topics of english as there are only a few?
it will really be appreciated:)


Ur no.



O. Kulsoom

I want to have a better grip on how to provide relevant and sufficient answer in history paper.
Can u help?


you can take online classes from me but you will have to pay a bit but i have got 5 distinctions in the past year allfor different subjects


how can i contact you for online classes


this is the best website ever with sufficient knowledge of every topic n includes past paper as well u guys deserve much presitige to come



Hafsa ishfaq

Are there any online classes

Virgo Mate

I don’t really comment on websites but I should over here. This is super amazing and exactly what I was looking for! There are past paper type questions present in between as well! You guys deserve a like, keep it up!


u have probably done ur paper by now but just for others that if any teacher tells u that write 3 points in hist exam 7 makr question and elaborate them, dont do it
write more points atleast 5 with atleast 4 with elaboration
if u write 3 and 1 goes wrong or has some issue with it u will lose marks
to avoid that write more so if they r wrong sir will see the other one and u will lose no/less marks


you do know there is a time limit the paper should be done in???
there is no time to waste on 7 marks q

Last edited 2 years ago by Aslaan

Time Management is Important, If u Have enough Time You Could do it.

Minahil Mukhtar

Amazing work💯

Last edited 4 years ago by Minahil Mukhtar
sweet poll

very good work thats amazing and helped alott keep it on